Technologies for learning

Mark Wilson is Executive Headteacher at Fairlawn, Haseltine and Kilmorie Primary Schools, Lewisham, South London.
Mark is ex-Headteacher at Robin Hood Primary School, Leeds.


Creative Spaces 17

Inspired by Idea Paint, Claire decided to cover the tables in the classroom with lining paper.  The children are able to doodle on the paper, check calculations, spellings, get the 'flow' on their handwriting going before committing it to their books, try spellings to see what 'looks right'.  It is a  really powerful additional tool for both the teacher and the pupil.  Claire has actually taken to marking some of the jottings on the paper.  She can add her own rough drawings, etc that help enable learning by providing a quick visual representation of a concept or a problem for children to address independently.  We are leaving the paper on the tables for several days in order that the children have an immediate reference back to earlier phases of the learning journey.

We, of course, see desk jotters that many adults with desk jobs use.  This enhancement to the classroom achieves the same function.  A great additional support for learning.

 Simple ideas are sometimes the very best ones.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mark

    Great minds! I'm progressing with the IdeaPaint as a College pilot. Jonny W
