Technologies for learning

Mark Wilson is Executive Headteacher at Fairlawn, Haseltine and Kilmorie Primary Schools, Lewisham, South London.
Mark is ex-Headteacher at Robin Hood Primary School, Leeds.


Creative Spaces 2 - Spaceoasis

Why do schools have to look JUST functional?
Why do schools have to look the same... with furniture and equipment bought from the same supplier?
Should we be looking to combine function with good design?
I believe so.  By creating a beautiful and interesting environment for children we stimulate their thinking.  We develop their critical thinking.  We develop their ability to appreciate beauty and artistry in the world around them.  We broaden their awareness.  We sharpen their instincts for what's nice and what isn't.  We raise their expectations.  We hone their creativity.  We

Let's be thinking about what's nice, what compliments the environment, what's quirky and unusual, what's going to stimulate thinking or prompt a smile... and not just what's easiest to get straight from the catalogue.

Furniture that combines function with design:

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