Developing a Community Space in the school that links to curriculum development around creativity and entrepreneurialism is compelling.
Imagine that pupils are given the task of developing a product or set of products, working with their clients to produce a specification and then working to achieve a cost and sale price that gives a profit margin. The products, once complete, are marketed and are attractively displayed in a purpose designed community area. The community area, in addition to providing display space for the children's products, displays school uniform, works of art and books that parents can browse and/or buy and gifts that children can trade in, having achieved merits for good behaviour. Pupils look after the running of the 'shop' - they take the stock and manage any profits.
The community space provides coffee and free wi-fi for the community. There is a ready supply of brownies, cookies and other foodstuffs made by pupils in their Food Technology sessions.
Inspirations for design layouts come from a range of sources. Shops, gift shops and offices provide interesting sources of inspiration because the people who design these spaces often think in a different way to people who design schools. They are seeking to make the environments appear attractive and to persuade people into certain desired behaviours.
Aren't we in the same business in schools?
Integrating cameras into phones was a master stroke... it means we've got our cameras with us wherever we go. School Leaders... get snapping!
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